Missing IIT...
okay,to start,i have to confess,never in the wildest of my dreams did i imagine that i would be writing this....i mean,i always thot' i hated the place,but 1 month after i left the place,i actually feel i won't mind spending a lot more time there.
all people who know me (or for that matter, anyone who has made the big mistake of asking me my views on IIT-Madras) would tell u that i never had a kind word about IIT,about Madras,about the food,about the weather,about the IIT-M chicks (or rather the myth that such a species ever existed,at least no such records exist in recorded human history...:P ),about elec profs,about gults.....the list is simply endless.........and still i miss the place!!
in IIT,every night when I went to sleep,I looked at the rotating fan and then I asked myself....(apart from the very obvious question of why the fuck is it rotating so slowly??..:D),what is this that i'm slogging for?what is the use of slogging if after making twice the efforts as compared to some guy in say chem or nav arch., u have a CG lower than him??
so,what is this that i miss about a place that sucks??i guess more than anything else,it's the friends i had there,the extremely laid-back attitude to life in the hostels (inspite of being in elec.),the footer matches at 12 in the night follwed by hockey matches at 2,when there is supposed to be a quiz next day;the hostel nights;the all night long farting sessions when u talk about just anything under the sun for hours,then going to class the next day and snoring there;cheering ur hostel team;breaking into a dance at any given opportunity;never submitting assignments at time and putting fight to complete them only the night before they r actually due and even then,the so-called fight consisting of finding a guy who has done it and then sending a freshie to get it photo-copied;i can go on and on...........will i ever be able to have such a care-free attitude to life anywhere else??....
it's been only 3 days since we came to IIM-B and already i feel i have changed a lot.u r expected to be much more sincere,much more responsible or as the director puts it,much more professional here.deadlines are considered sacrosanct here,copying assignments is a taboo here .....
to sum up,the stay in IIT was nothing short of a roller-coaster ride..i had my share of ups and downs...(more downs than ups,probably....:P but guess that evens out).......and like it or not,spending 4 years here changes u completely....when i look back at my Class XII days now,i simply can't believe i am the same guy!!hope the stay at IIM-B turns out to be at least half as enjoyable as at IIT.
i miss IIT.....more gyan about IIM-B and fundaes about getting ur way thro' at IIT (believe me,once u get a hang of the system,u can work ur way round it..:)...) in the next posts!!
all people who know me (or for that matter, anyone who has made the big mistake of asking me my views on IIT-Madras) would tell u that i never had a kind word about IIT,about Madras,about the food,about the weather,about the IIT-M chicks (or rather the myth that such a species ever existed,at least no such records exist in recorded human history...:P ),about elec profs,about gults.....the list is simply endless.........and still i miss the place!!
in IIT,every night when I went to sleep,I looked at the rotating fan and then I asked myself....(apart from the very obvious question of why the fuck is it rotating so slowly??..:D),what is this that i'm slogging for?what is the use of slogging if after making twice the efforts as compared to some guy in say chem or nav arch., u have a CG lower than him??
so,what is this that i miss about a place that sucks??i guess more than anything else,it's the friends i had there,the extremely laid-back attitude to life in the hostels (inspite of being in elec.),the footer matches at 12 in the night follwed by hockey matches at 2,when there is supposed to be a quiz next day;the hostel nights;the all night long farting sessions when u talk about just anything under the sun for hours,then going to class the next day and snoring there;cheering ur hostel team;breaking into a dance at any given opportunity;never submitting assignments at time and putting fight to complete them only the night before they r actually due and even then,the so-called fight consisting of finding a guy who has done it and then sending a freshie to get it photo-copied;i can go on and on...........will i ever be able to have such a care-free attitude to life anywhere else??....
it's been only 3 days since we came to IIM-B and already i feel i have changed a lot.u r expected to be much more sincere,much more responsible or as the director puts it,much more professional here.deadlines are considered sacrosanct here,copying assignments is a taboo here .....
to sum up,the stay in IIT was nothing short of a roller-coaster ride..i had my share of ups and downs...(more downs than ups,probably....:P but guess that evens out).......and like it or not,spending 4 years here changes u completely....when i look back at my Class XII days now,i simply can't believe i am the same guy!!hope the stay at IIM-B turns out to be at least half as enjoyable as at IIT.
i miss IIT.....more gyan about IIM-B and fundaes about getting ur way thro' at IIT (believe me,once u get a hang of the system,u can work ur way round it..:)...) in the next posts!!